Monday, November 19, 2007


So, with another change in the trip, Ryan and Erica decided not to continue south with me to San Diego. The trip was getting too expensive and long, so they are back tracking to Santa Cruz to stay with Erica's parents. At this point, I am continuing south to the Mexican Boarder at a faster pace. Being alone on the road has its pros and cons. It's much faster because I don't have to stop as much, but it can also make for long days on empy roads. Luckily there are about 15 other people heading south in various places that I've been able to camp with. It's a small comunity of adventurers on the coast. I can't imagine what it's like in the summer. It would almost feel crowded. Tonight I am going to be staying south of Ventura and then hit the big city of LA tomorrow morning to stay in Huntington Beach that evening. I have some long days but the road is flat down here on the beach. I hope the fog lifts soon; the sun north was amazing warm.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Way to go Ian. I hope you enjoy this time alone. I was in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach in Sept. It was so beautiful.
Be well, be strong and just be with the natural beauty around you.